Musings » Biography/Memoir

Dane, Clemence
London Has a Garden
New York W.W Norton
Stuart, David
Dangerous Garden
Harvard University Press
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Allyson Hayward
Norah Lindsay: Life and Art of a Garden Designer
London – Francis Lincoln 2007
London Has a Garden
New York W.W Norton
Stuart, David
Dangerous Garden
Harvard University Press
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Allyson Hayward
Norah Lindsay: Life and Art of a Garden Designer
London – Francis Lincoln 2007
Lawrence, Elizabeth
Beautiful at all Seasons
Durham, North Carolina Duke University Press 2007
Kramer, Fay
The Butcher’s Daughters: The Recycled Recollections of Two 20th Century Sisters
Published by Fay Kramer 2001
Hertrich, William
The Huntington Botanical Gardens 1905-1949: Personal Recollections of William Hertrich, Curator Emeritus
San Marino, California The Huntington Library 1949
Beautiful at all Seasons
Durham, North Carolina Duke University Press 2007
Kramer, Fay
The Butcher’s Daughters: The Recycled Recollections of Two 20th Century Sisters
Published by Fay Kramer 2001
Hertrich, William
The Huntington Botanical Gardens 1905-1949: Personal Recollections of William Hertrich, Curator Emeritus
San Marino, California The Huntington Library 1949